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Platforma telemedyczna 24

Online doctors available
in 15 minutes

Visits available 24 hours a day
7 days a week

  • 200 doctors online, more than 40 specialties
  • Doctors also available after 10:00 pm, including holidays and vacations
  • Available forms of communication teleconsultation (including night visits), chat and video
  • After a consultation, it is possible to receive e-prescription online or L4 online
  • We provide medical consultations in accordance with the recommendations of the Supreme Medical Council
  • Fast contact, without leaving home


Book Express Visit

Contact a doctor online within 15 minutes

The system automatically assigns a doctor to a visit


Schedule a Standard Visit

Schedule an appointment for later

Book an appointment with the doctor of your choice online


Meet the Med24 doctors

Internist Pediatrician Travel medicine Medycyna podróży dzieci Vaccinations/Vaccinologist
Ginekolog Ginekolog dziecięcy Położnik
Chirurg Flebolog Urolog
Internista Kardiolog w trakcie specjalizacji
Laryngolog w trakcie specjalizacji Laryngolog dziecięcy w trakcie specjalizacji

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Doctors privately and online available within 15 minutes

Symptoms of infection hinder your daily functioning? Or maybe you got the stomach flu and the last thing you feel like doing right now is visiting the clinic? In both of these cases, an excellent solution is online doctor visit at MED24, which allows you to contact a doctor without leaving home. An online doctor privately - via the Internet - can, in many cases, make an accurate diagnosis based on the reported symptoms, recommend the appropriate course of action, and the patient can begin effective treatment. Online prescription can also be issued by a doctor over the Internet.

E-visit to an internal medicine doctor at MED24 will work well:

  • bacterial and viral infections,
  • digestive problems,
  • mild allergic reactions,
  • skin problems,
  • minor cuts and injuries,
  • muscle and joint pain,
  • intractable headache.

Also, with the online doctor you can consult the results of tests, as well as advise him on matters related to the prevention of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis, for example.

Doctor privately at MED24 is available to patients every day, from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Using Standard internist visit online, you can schedule an e-visit at your convenience. However, if you want to see a specialist as soon as possible, choose Express Internal Medicine Consultation - e-visit will be completed within 15 minutes. What about when the symptoms of the disease worsen at night? Our doctors privately are ready to help even at non-standard hours, offering night visit (Night consultation) - as part of the Express e-visit. The system will automatically assign the online doctor on duty to the patient, which speeds up and streamlines the service.


Dermatolog online – błyskawiczna pomoc w przypadku schorzeń skóry

Doctor internist at MED24 has similar competencies to family doctor - takes care of adult patients and seniors. If a child or teenager needs help, you are welcome to use the pediatric consultation service. Express service is also available here for this specialist, which allows contact with a doctor in 15 minutes, including at night. In summary, if you need fast medical assistance, in accordance with the standards of the Supreme Medical Council, a doctor privately at MED24 is the best choice. Our internist, like your family doctor, provides professional care aimed at quickly diagnosing a health problem and providing effective treatment. You gain added convenience - you don't even have to leave your home to get expert and personalized advice.


Doctor privately - tele-consultation by phone, chat or video call

In MED24 we offer up to three channels of communication with our doctors. E-consultation can take place by phone, video or chat. It is up to you to decide which of the above-mentioned ways is most convenient for you. To get help from a doctor privately at MED24:

  • register on our portal or log in to your account if you have created one in the past,
  • select the type of service (internal medicine visit or pediatric visit in Standard or Express version; e-consultation with a specialist in the Standard version),
  • select the method of communication with the doctor (video call, in-app chat, doctor on the phone),
  • pay for the consultation (doctor privately is a commercial service),
  • upload your medical records into the system, if you have them (medical certificate, medical certificate, medical history, hospital discharge, specialist opinion ).


Lekarz urolog online - konsultacja i wizyta online z urologiem

The online medical consultation will begin, at the time you specify (in the case of Standard e-visit). If you decide to use the Express tele-visit, patiently wait for contact from the specialist. E-doctor will make three attempts to contact you, a few minutes apart. If you are interested in overnight consultation, also use the Express service.

Every medical consultation at MED24 follows a similar pattern. At first, the specialist takes a medical history, asks about the symptoms and the medications the patient has been taking so far. Then the e-doctor analyzes the collected information, makes a diagnosis and orders customized treatment for the patient. A doctor privately online at MED24 will see you any day of the week and at any time, including Sundays and holidays.


Doctor - teleconsultation instead of a visit to a clinic

An online visit to an internist, pediatrician or doctor of a chosen specialty makes it much easier to get medical help quickly. Thanks to telemedicine services, you don't have to:

  • lose time to travel to a clinic or stationary office where a doctor will see you privately,
  • change your plans - take time off work, reschedule important appointments,
  • arrange care for children or the elderly for whom you are caring,
  • expose yourself to disease-causing pathogens at clinics,
  • wait months to see a specialist (e.g. neurologist, allergist, endocrinologist or diabetologist),
  • pay for a private visit (consultation with an e-doctor specialist at MED24 is cheaper)

E-consultation meets the needs of busy people, people with disabilities and those with temporary mobility limitations. Parents and seniors are also very keen to use the e-visit service at MED24. An online visit allows patients to better manage their time, reduces stress and gives them more flexibility in choosing an e-consultation date. An online doctor can often be used as early as the day of registration.


Lekarz medycyny podróży online - konsultacja i wizyta online

Express access to medical help - night teleconsultation and Express service

Private doctor, internist/pediatrician online at MED24 accepts patients under the Express service, which allows you to get medical advice within 15 minutes, without leaving home. This type of e-consultation can also be used at night (nighttime visit).

It is worth noting that an e-doctor has the same powers in issuing L4 and e-prescriptions as a doctor working in a primary care clinic, which means that he or she can issue an online sick leave and/or e-prescription if he or she deems such a course of action justified for a particular patient. L4 online allows an employee to withdraw from his or her professional duties for the duration of the illness, and entitles him or her to sick pay. The document is issued by an internist (for a sick adult). A doctor privately at MED24 can also issue an online sick leave for a sick child. The document authorizes one of the parents to stay at home with the child and for payment of childcare benefits. The decision to write a L4 for a child is made by the pediatrician.



Also, under the Internist Express teleprescription, you can receive an online prescription for a new drug if the e-doctor determines that the pharmaceutical is necessary for the treatment of a particular patient. The internist can issue an online prescription after a thorough assessment of your condition and analysis of the medical records you have attached.Online e-prescription can be filled at any pharmacy. All you need to do is provide the pharmacist with your PESEL number and the code for the e-prescription, which you will receive as soon as the tele-prescription is processed. If the patient is a child, you will need to provide the child's PESEL number at the pharmacy.


Doctor privately - can he/she issue a prescription and sick leave online?

The online doctor has the right to issue a prescription and L4 online if he/she deems that the aforementioned documents are necessary for the patient to get better. However, it should be noted that the doctor privately on MED24 has certain limitations when it comes to setting the payment amount for prescription drugs, so in most cases the patient must be prepared to purchase the drugs for the full amount.

It is also impossible to obtain online prescriptions for free medicines for children and seniors, because the e-visit on MED24 is not paid by the National Health Service, and this is a prerequisite for obtaining free medicines for the aforementioned groups of patients.

Both an online sick leave and an e-prescription for a new drug can be obtained only after a prior medical consultation, during which a specialist will assess whether the issuance of the document is justified.


Lekarz internista online - wizyta online

Doctor privately in MED24 and continuation of prescribed pharmacotherapy

If you need a prescription for medications you are taking on a permanent basis, an e-visit to your doctor in MED24 is not necessary. In such a situation, use the e-prescription continuation service and provide the specialist with your medical records in the form of a medical certificate that you are taking a particular drug on a permanent basis. The medical certificate cannot be older than 12 months. From 7 November 2024, in accordance with the new law, for Category IV medicines (e.g. psychotropic medicines, opioids), an inpatient appointment must be made. The specialist may also ask for a code to your IKP to verify the amount of medication you are taking. Only after analyzing all the documents will the specialist assess whether issuing an online prescription is justified.


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Frequently Asked Questions

online sick leave, online prescription or e-referral for examination are documents that a specialist decides to issue after an e-visit (possible in the form of a tele-visit, overnight tele-visit, chat, video call). An online doctor (gynecologist), after a consultation, can decide to issue a prescription for emergency contraception (this includes day-after tablet).

How do I register and create a profile?

1. Go to the Med24 registration page

2. Enter your information


3. Confirm registration by entering the verification code

Enter the activation code, received by email, to confirm registration. You can make e-visits and conveniently consult your ailments, receive prescriptions and exemptions online.

1. Log in to your account, or register if you don't already have an account with Med24

Begin arranging a doctor's appointment by logging in to your Med24 account. If you don't already have an account, you can easily create one by clicking the "Register" button on the home page.

2. Choose the service or specialist you want to schedule an appointment with

Selecting 24/7 care in 15 minutes will take you straight to selecting the form of consultation (see para. 4), if you select a specialty you will be taken to the list of available doctors.

3. Choose an appointment and check the details of the e-visit

Already selected a doctor? Under his picture you will see a calendar with available appointments. Choose the date and time that suits you best.

4. Choose the form of online consultation - video, chat or phone

Form of contact - video, chat, phone

5. Make payment

Click "Order and pay" and choose the secure payment method that suits you. You will receive an email confirming your appointment and payment.

Can a doctor's appointment be canceled?

Remember that if you need to cancel or change an appointment, you can do so up to 2 hours before the appointment from within your Med24 account. If you cancel your appointment in a shorter period of time, please send a request for a refund to: [email protected].

We are confident that the process of making a doctor's appointment with Med24 is intuitive and simple. If you have any problems or questions, please contact our Med24 patient service office. We will be happy to help you.

1. Confirmation of appointment

After you schedule an appointment and select the chat form to contact your doctor, stay on this page and expect a message from your doctor.

Chat with doctor

2. New message from doctor

As soon as the doctor writes you a message, a notification will appear on your screen.

Chat with doctor
Chat with doctor

3. Chat with a doctor

When you go to chat with a doctor, you will see messages from him or her and you will be able to respond to them and describe your ailments.

Chat with doctor
Chat with doctor

Preparing for your appointment

If you plan to show your doctor medical documents or test results, make sure you upload them to the platform before your appointment. Uploading your records to the platform is possible after your appointment. When entering the appointment, you will see a "Select file and upload" button. If you select a video visit, you will have the option to show the doctor the lesioned areas to the camera.

Start your appointment

The doctor will contact you at the appointed time, either by phone, chat or video call. For chat and video, you must be active on the Med24 platform, where you will receive a notification when you need to take a call. 
If for some reason you miss the first attempt to contact you from the doctor, he/she will retry within the consultation duration (2 more times). If there is no response on your part to the contact from the doctor, the doctor may contact you by another form. 
It is advisable to be prepared well in advance for the e-visit before the start time, so that the visit goes as planned.

Talk to the doctor

During the online consultation, as during the in-person visit, the doctor will conduct a detailed medical history and discuss possible treatment options with you.

Attach documents to your appointment

You can attach documentation, files or photos after your appointment by clicking on the "Select file and upload" button.


Chat with doctor

If there are problems with attaching files with medical records, it is possible to send the records to the address: [email protected] during patient service office hours Mon-Fri from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Then in the subject line of the email, please include the patient's name, doctor's name, date and time of the scheduled visit to Med24.

End of visit

When the online consultation with the doctor is over, simply close the call window. The medical documentation, i.e. diagnosis and recommendations from the doctor and e-prescriptions, referral for tests or e-release (if issued), will be available for download after the completed visit on the Me24 platfom in your account.

Schedule another visit

If another visit is necessary, you can schedule it directly after the consultation using the "Schedule e-visit" function in your account.

Submission of documentation

You can attach documentation, files or photos after making an appointment by clicking on the "Select file and upload" button.

Chat with doctor

If you have trouble attaching your medical record files before your appointment, you can send your records to the following address: [email protected] during patient service office hours Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Then, in the subject line of the email, please include the name of the patient and doctor, date and time of the scheduled visit.

Submission of documentation for prescription for continuation of treatment

One of the services we offer is online prescription for continuation of treatment. 
To protect our patients and provide them with the best quality medical services, we would like to remind you that the decision to issue an e-prescription rests with the medical consultant and he/she has the right to refuse it. 

In order to receive an e-prescription, it is necessary to provide medical documentation confirming that you are taking the drug in question on a permanent basis, not older than 12 months. In the case of category IV drugs, not older than 3 months. After making an appointment, send the necessary documentation. 
E-prescription is not medical documentation, so it is not the basis for issuing another prescription for continued treatment.

In the absence of valid documentation, you should choose to consult a doctor who will determine the appropriateness of further treatment.

Yes - e-prescriptions, referrals and exemptions online are as valid as those obtained during an in-person visit.

Prescription, referral and L4 online

E prescription issued by a doctor during an online consultation is fully valid. You can fill it at any pharmacy. The pharmacy does not have the right to refuse to fill such a prescription, provided that it is correctly issued.

Similarly sick leave, issued during an online consultation has the same legal force as leave obtained during an in-person visit. Employers are obliged to recognize these exemptions and cannot reject them just because they were issued online.

In the case of a referral issued online, the doctor performing the specialized examination has no right to reject it. Online referrals are equivalent to referrals issued during in-patient visits and should be honoured on the same basis.

Referrals issued on Med24 are not honoured by public health facilities, that is, they cannot be fulfilled by the National Health Service. On their basis, examinations can be performed for a fee.

Refunds are possible only for referrals to the hospital, with codes in the range 4000-4999.


You will receive your medical documentation online after your visit to Med24. During the e-visit, your doctor can issue an electronic prescription (e-prescription), which will automatically save to your Internet Patient Account (IKP). The medical release will be available for you to download on our platform in your visit history, as will the visit summary.


Documentation after the visit
Documentation after the visit

E-prescription online - after your visit, your doctor can issue you an e-prescription. He will make his decision based on your history, test results, and medical history. Remember that he/she has the right to refuse to issue a prescription if he/she does not have sufficient grounds to do so.

After your visit, you will receive a prescription code in the form of a text message to your Med24 registered phone number, the prescription will also be available for download on our platform in your visit history. To fill an e-prescription at any pharmacy in Poland, you will need to provide the e-prescription code and your PESEL.

It is also possible to use the IKP app, where you will find the QR code. Show it to the pharmacist without providing your PESEL number. Each pharmacy is required to process an e-prescription issued during your online visit.

Sick Leave L4 online - if your doctor determines that your health condition requires sick leave, he or she may issue you an L4 sick leave electronically. Remember that you are required to inform your employer within 3 days of its issuance.

The release is issued by the doctor in electronic form in the Social Security system. The L4 will be visible on your ZUS PUE platform and your employer. Processing on the ZUS side can take up to 7 days although it usually appears after a few hours or so.

You will also receive a copy of the release in *.pdf file for download on our Med24 platform, in your visit history.

L4 release for foreign employer - the doctor can issue such a release in the ZUS system, but you must inform him/her in advance and provide additional information: whether the doctor's stamp is required and whether the ICD-10 disease code is required. The waiver will be available for download on our Med24 platform, in your visit history.

Summary of the visit - at the end of each Med24 visit, the doctor will prepare a summary of the consultation, which includes the main points discussed during the visit, the diagnoses made and recommendations for further treatment. The summary will be available for download on our Med24 platform, in your visit history, right after the visit is completed.

Remember that the decision to issue online prescriptions and waivers is up to the doctor and he has the right to refuse to issue them if there are no indications. 
If the doctor issues the documents, you will find them downloadable in your visit history after logging into your account on the Med24 platform.

In case you have problems downloading your medical records after a visit, contact the Med24 team immediately!

After making an appointment for a medical consultation at Med24. To streamline the writing of an e-prescription for the continuation of treatment, send the doctor, before the visit, a photo of your medical records, allowing the doctor to extend the treatment with the selected drug. To do this, go to 'Your visits', 'E-prescription visit', and then 'Send photo'.

E-prescription can only be issued by a doctor at the end of an online consultation. Using the Med24 platform, the entire process, from arranging a consultation to issuing an e-prescription, takes only 15 minutes. You will fill the e-prescription at the pharmacy. For this, you need a code that you will receive from your doctor and your PESEL number.

To protect our patients and provide them with the best quality medical services, we remind you that the decision to issue an e-prescription belongs to the medical consultant and he has the right to refuse to issue it.

In order to receive an e-prescription, it is necessary to present medical documentation confirming that you are taking the medicine in question permanently, not older than 12 months. For Category IV drugs, not older than 3 months. After making an appointment, send the necessary documentation.

E-prescription is not a medical record, so it is not the basis for issuing another prescription for continued treatment.


No. A doctor may refuse to issue an e-Prescription/e-Release/e-Re-referral. The service ordered at our facility includes a consultation with a specialist, who during the consultation decides on the legitimacy of issuing the aforementioned services.


No. The doctor may refuse to issue the aforementioned benefit recommending an inpatient visit. Payment applies to the consultation with the doctor, not to the documents requested by the patient.


The decision on the number of packs and the dose of the drug is made by the doctor during the consultation. The number of packages of prescribed medicine depends on medical indications and applicable regulations. In such a situation, there is no refund.


No. The doctor makes three attempts to contact the Patient as part of the consultation. According to the regulations, if the Patient does not make contact, the visit is considered completed and a refund is unwarranted.


Services at Med24

Wizyta 10 min - 89 zł
Wizyta 10 min - 89 zł
Wizyta 10 min - 129 zł
Dzieci od 3 r.ż. Wizyta 10 min - 129 zł
Wizyta 10 min - 89 zł
Wizyta 10 min - 129 zł
Wizyta 10 min - 139 zł
Dzieci od 12 r. ż. Wizyta 10 min - 139 zł
Wizyta 20 min - 149 zł
Wizyta 30 min - 129 zł
Wizyta 10 min - 139 zł
Dzieci od 16 r.ż. Wizyta 10 min - 139 zł
Wizyta 10 min - 129 zł
Wizyta 10 min - 159 zł
Wizyta 20 min - 139 zł
Dzieci od 12 r.ż. Wizyta 20 min - 139 zł
Wizyta 10 min - 139 zł
Wizyta 10 min - 129 zł
Wizyta 10 min - 129 zł
Wizyta 10 min - 139 zł
Wizyta 10 min - 129 zł
Dzieci od 15 r.ż. Wizyta 10 min - 129 zł
Wizyta 10 min - 129 zł
Wizyta 10 min - 99 zł
Wizyta 30 min - 99 zł
Wizyta 30 min - 149 zł
Wizyta 10 min - 89 zł
Wizyta 10 min - 99 zł
Wizyta 10 min - 129 zł
Wizyta 10 min - 139 zł

Sprawdź jak wyleczyć
Sprawdź jak wyleczyć
Sprawdź jak wyleczyć
Sprawdź jak wyleczyć
Sprawdź jak wyleczyć
Sprawdź jak wyleczyć
Sprawdź jak wyleczyć
Sprawdź jak wyleczyć