Weakness, lack of appetite, muscle aches or an increased temperature are some of the most common symptoms of infection in a child. It is often difficult to distinguish between bacterial and viral infections. In children, it is more common than in adults for a viral infection to turn into a bacterial infection. The problem should not be trivialised, but a doctor should be consulted immediately.
Bacterial infections in children are a serious problem, but it is worth making sure that you are not dealing with a viral infection before seeking treatment. In both cases, the symptoms may be a runny nose, sore throat, weakness or fever. However, it is worth knowing that a viral infection appears gradually, heralded initially by weakness and then by a number of other symptoms. Usually, the body temperature does not exceed 38 Celsius degrees. Toddlers are most often exposed to this type of illness during the periods of the greatest decrease in immunity, i.e. autumn, winter and early spring.
Viral infections can be dealt with on their own by the body in 5-7 days. Bacterial infection in children, on the other hand, has a sudden and violent course. Symptoms such as headache, abdominal pain, significant weakness, lethargy or lack of appetite are very severe. The body temperature is also more elevated than in viral infections - it can reach above 38 degrees Celsius. The cervical lymph nodes become enlarged and tender.
Bacteria, like viruses, are most active in winter and spring, but toddlers are most vulnerable to them after a viral infection. The organism is then weakened. In addition, there are often situations in which the viral infection has not been completely cured and bacterial superinfection occurs. Although in most cases viruses are responsible for illness in children, almost every child has encountered a bacterial infection. The average number of illnesses per year is higher in toddlers than in adults, hence there is a greater likelihood that, in addition to viruses, the body will also come into contact with bacteria at this time.
The symptoms of a bacterial infection in children may be more intense than in adults. This is because young organisms do not yet have fully developed immunity and are more vulnerable to illness. Even if a parent and child become ill at the same time, there is a high chance that the adult will go through the infection much more lightly, although of course it should not be neglected either. In a toddler, it may appear in the same way, but the symptoms will be more intense or may give additional, worrying symptoms. In the worst-case scenario, the bacterial infection can even be fatal, as the young immune system is not yet in a position to cope adequately with the illness. This is why it is so important to see a doctor quickly and to implement appropriate treatment. Alarming symptoms of bacterial infection in children include a fever above 38 degrees Celsius, a large enlargement of the lymph nodes, as well as nausea resulting in vomiting and white plaque on the tonsils. Bacterial throat infection in children is also associated with a lack of coughing - thus removing your doubts about the underlying cause of the condition. Parents wishing to protect their children from the occurrence of dangerous complications must urgently seek medical attention when they observe the following symptoms.
If a parent has any doubt as to whether their child's infection is bacterial or viral in origin, they should consult a specialist for peace of mind. Taking into account the differences described between the two types of infection may enable initial discernment, but only a doctor will be able to make a definitive diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate medicines.
Viral and bacterial infections in children - what else do you need to know, apart from the differences already mentioned? It is worth remembering that in a viral infection, the catarrh is watery, whereas in a bacterial infection, it is mostly purulent and can be yellow-green and thick. A viral infection often begins with a dry cough, while in a bacterial infection, the cough may not occur at all - if it does, it tends to be wet. The worsening of symptoms in a viral infection occurs around day 3-4 of the illness, whereas the development of a bacterial infection is sudden and rapid. In addition, bacteria can contribute to a purulent, raspberry-coloured discharge in the throat and to the appearance of swelling and the aforementioned plaque on the tongue. Proper diagnosis of the nature of the illness is important to avoid dangerous complications for the young organism.
It is worth remembering that both the course of the disease and its treatment will vary depending on the specific infection and the bacteria that cause it. In most cases, group A beta-haemolytic streptococci, or Streptococcus pyogenes, are responsible for bacterial pharyngitis. Less commonly, it will be group C and G streptococci. Infection can come not only through direct contact with a sick person - the bacteria are also airborne. Bacterial intestinal infection in children is also a common problem. It generally manifests itself as acute diarrhoea and is usually caused by Enterobacteriaceae, such as Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia and pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli and Campylobacter jejuni/C. coli. The incidence of Clostridium difficile has also increased in the last decade. Most often, treatment of bacterial infections requires the implementation of an antibiotic. For it to be effective, care must be taken to ensure a correct diagnosis - different drugs act on different types of bacteria.
Different bacteria can cause different complications. Common bacterial infections in children are caused by pneumococci - some of the most dangerous bacteria for a toddler's health and life.
When the young immune system is weakened, it not only contributes to the development of acute pneumonia but also spreads through the nasopharyngeal cavity and can lead to meningitis, otitis media, sinusitis, septic arthritis or pericarditis. Meningococci are also dangerous, causing almost 130,000 deaths worldwide each year.
The group most at risk of complications are children under one year of age. Streptococcus angina is a common bacterium. If proper treatment is not implemented quickly enough, it can lead to the development of sepsis, nephritis or rheumatic fever. Group A streptococcal toxins also cause scarlet fever, which in extreme cases contributes to cardiovascular disorders, including heart muscle disorders liver problems and enlarged spleen. Salmonella is also worth mentioning. The diarrhoea and vomiting that accompany the infection expose the body to dehydration. In all cases, medical advice should be sought immediately. It is not necessary to visit the clinic in person. An online appointment alternative is now popular. This is a convenient option that allows parents to save time and nerves. After such a visit, the doctor will decide on the next steps to be taken. Most often, a correctly diagnosed bacterial infection requires treatment with an antibiotic.
It is worth bearing in mind that some illnesses can be avoided or alleviated by remembering the mandatory vaccinations. These are carried out at a specific time in the child's life, so they must not be forgotten. It is also important not to treat bacterial infections on your own. The average person does not have sufficient medical knowledge and can therefore harm the baby even more. For serious illnesses, home remedies are not sufficient. Self-administering an antibiotic is also a bad solution - if the antibiotic is wrongly chosen, antibiotic resistance can develop, making the infection even more difficult to treat.
Of course, prevention is better than treatment. Therefore, it is worthwhile to strengthen a child's immunity all year round - as this is a long-term process. No one needs to be told how important a healthy diet, optimum sleep, good hygiene and regular outdoor activities are. Children must not have a sterile environment to live in, as lack of contact with pathogens will prevent the body's immunity from developing properly.
However, it is not always possible to avoid infection, even if you follow all the rules mentioned. In the event of its occurrence, it is essential to adhere to the doctor's recommendations. In fact, the treatment of bacterial infections in children and adults is similar. It is usually necessary to implement antibiotic therapy, generally lasting 10 days. The dosage of the medication must be chosen according to the child's weight and age. Products for the youngest are available as syrups, often with a pleasant taste, which makes them easier to administer. Therapy must not be stopped.
It is also important to remember to give the toddler plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Warm soups or teas work well. Sore throats are relieved by sprays or lollipops with a pleasant taste. These have a moisturising and antiseptic effect. It is always important to remember that antibiotics are only effective for bacterial infections and not for viral infections. Frequently taking antibiotics for no reason will mean that they simply do not work. However, if you are sure of the bacterial basis of the illness, an antibiotic is unavoidable in most cases and not worth fighting against. Otherwise, dangerous complications can develop, the treatment of which will be even more difficult. The medication must be stored under appropriate conditions - many preparations for children should be kept in the fridge.
In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the little organism by administering probiotics and to ensure that the child gradually recovers from the treatment. The child should still be out of school for at least a few days so that they have a chance to recuperate.
A child's illness is always associated with great stress for parents. Infections at a young age are more severe than those in adults, the symptoms are more intense and the toddler becomes irritable, which definitely does not help their carers. Although in most cases illnesses are caused by viruses, which the body can usually cope with on its own, children are also particularly vulnerable to bacterial infections. They take a more violent course and can lead to dangerous complications and, in extreme cases, even death. This is why, once worrying symptoms are noticed, parents should urgently consult a doctor, who will implement the appropriate treatment. The online paediatrician at Med24 is available 24 hours a day and an appointment can be made in 15 minutes, without leaving home. This allows us to respond quickly to a deterioration in our child's health. The doctor will implement the appropriate treatment, thereby preventing the disease from developing. It will practically always be necessary to give your child an antibiotic - but don't forget to take a good protective measure.
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