These viruses are the most common cause of diarrhoea caused by infection. We are, of course, talking about rotavirus. Enteric diarrhoea, as it is often colloquially called, is agonising and highly contagious. Although the infection can pass unnoticed in adults, children are usually not so lucky. Often the help of a paediatrician and, in extreme situations, hospitalisation is required. Find out more about rotavirus (its symptoms and treatment) in order to deal with it effectively.
These are pathogens responsible for inflammation of the stomach and intestines. There are several types of rotavirus, but not all are dangerous to humans. Rotavirus infection most often occurs through contact with a sick person or by eating infected products. The spread of pathogens is facilitated by a lack of good hygiene.
Rotavirus infection in children, especially younger ones, often has a rapid course. The first symptoms are uncharacteristic, usually starting with feeling unwell, not wanting to play or frolicking. As rotavirus most often attacks in spring or autumn, it is easy to attribute this deterioration of condition to seasonal infection.
During rotavirus infection, symptoms in children are quite characteristic and appear quickly:
With rotavirus infection, symptoms in children, especially young children, usually require consultation with a paediatrician. Violent vomiting and diarrhoea can lead to dehydration, which, especially in a child, is very dangerous.
Rotavirus - symptoms in children that may indicate the need for a drip:
Furthermore, if we give the child small amounts of fluids for 2 hours and every attempt, we make to rehydrate him ends in vomiting or diarrhoea, it is necessary to consult the paediatrician or visit the hospital immediately.
Due to the risk of dehydration, rotavirus in an infant is particularly dangerous. If the infant has not yet reached the age of six months, a visit to hospital is very likely to be necessary. It is best not to delay and to contact the paediatrician at once, who will indicate how to act.
As a rule, in adults, rotavirus infection is milder than in children, often asymptomatic. Symptoms of infection are similar to those in children, but are usually less intense and last 2-3 days..
The most common symptoms of rotavirus in adults are:
In adults, rotaviruses are particularly dangerous in cases of lowered immunity (e.g. with prolonged antibiotic therapy, in patients undergoing oncological treatment or those infected with HIV).
For pregnant women, rotavirus infection is dangerous when there is a risk of water-electrolyte imbalance (e.g. due to diarrhoea or vomiting).
The most important thing with rotavirus infection is to prevent dehydration. Large amounts of fluids should be consumed, according to the rules:
Rotavirus infection in adults is usually treated by relieving symptoms. Diarrhoea medicines should be used with caution as they may impede the excretion of the virus and prolong the infection. Rest and fluid and electrolyte replenishment are important. Diarrhoea lasting more than 10 days requires consultation with an internal medicine doctor, as the cause may be other than rotavirus.
The treatment of rotavirus infection in children, especially young children, is best discussed with a paediatrician. As with adults, antidiarrhoeal drugs should not be given without consulting a doctor.
In both adults and children, diet is important. Adults, with very severe symptoms for 2 days, may abstain from food and limit themselves to fluid supplementation. With less severe symptoms and in children, an easily digestible diet consisting of foods such as:
Infection with rotavirus can be violent and can be very dangerous to health and even life. Particularly in the case of children and immunocompromised persons, it is best to seek medical advice to avoid hospitalisation if possible. Furthermore, frequent (violent) vomiting and diarrhoea, accompanied by fever and increasing fatigue, should also be consulted with a doctor.
When time is of the essence, an e-visit is the most advantageous solution. It also helps when symptoms, such as diarrhoea or vomiting, make a visit to a stationary clinic very difficult. An e-visit is just as effective as an in-patient visit, but you benefit from the following:
What's more, your doctor can refer you for tests or to a specialist during your e-visit, which significantly speeds up diagnosis and treatment.
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