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What for a child's cough? Our advice

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To help your little one you need to, recognise the type of cough. In this article, we will look at the different types of cough in children, their characteristics and what actions can bring relief. Recognising the type of cough is crucial for proper diagnosis and effective treatment. Symptoms and treatment of cough can vary depending on the age of the child. It is worth emphasising from the outset that home remedies for dealing with cough in children are not a substitute for professional medical care. If the symptoms persist over a long period of time or get worse, for your child's sake, consult a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis and recommend treatment

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  • What for a dry cough in a child? A dry cough can be the result or symptom of a viral illness. If this is the case, humidifying the air may be helpful. Orthoplasm syrup can also provide relief. It is worth remembering to hydrate your child frequently. What else? Chamomile tea can help. Garlic - can be added to the diet as a natural support for the immune system, but with caution as not all children can tolerate its strong taste
  • What for a wet cough in a child? A wet cough is caused by a build-up of secretions in the child's airways. In this situation, it is necessary to help the body to expel it. Use mucolytic syrups, e.g. Phlegamine, to help expectorate secretions and shorten the duration of the illness. Also do saline inhalations. Remember to make sure your child drinks plenty of fluids. With a wet cough, facilitating expectoration is key, so onion juice could help as it is used as an expectorant. Onions contain sulphur compounds and flavonoids, which have antibacterial and antiviral properties
  • What for laryngeal cough in a child? A laryngeal cough also called a barking cough by doctors, is sometimes a symptom of croup. It is an inflammation of the larynx caused by viruses, which can be cleared by inhaling cool, humidified air (e.g. by walking outside or inhaling cool air from a humidifier). Alternatively, Stodal, Herbapect Junior or Supremin syrup can be given. The effectiveness of these syrups may vary depending on the individual child's reaction. Chamomile is known for its calming and anti-inflammatory properties and can be used in tea form or applied to the throat. In the context of laryngeal (barking) cough, which is often a symptom of laryngeal inflammation, the use of onions can be helpful but does not replace the need to consult a doctor. A laryngeal cough, especially in children, can be a symptom of a condition that requires immediate medical intervention. Rinsing the throat with water and adding a few drops of hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) is one of the home remedies used for sore or irritated throats. Peroxide water has antiseptic properties and can help eliminate bacteria and viruses from the throat area. It is recommended to use a solution with a low concentration of hydrogen peroxide (no more than 3%). However, in the case of severe symptoms, it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible. 
  • What for a choking cough in a child? A choking cough can be a symptom of asthma or more serious illnesses. It is important to act quickly and consult your paediatrician as soon as possible. At home, it is a good idea to have an inhaler with bronchodilators (prescription drugs) and allergy control drugs, or antihistamines, which block the action of histamine, a chemical that is one of the main mediators of allergic reactions. The drugs help to relieve symptoms such as a runny nose, red eyes and cough. Steroids also help. Steroids are anti-inflammatory drugs and can be effective, especially in cases of allergic rhinitis. Some herbs, such as chamomile or dandelion, can have a soothing effect and support the immune system, but their use should be consulted with a doctor, especially when it comes to children and such severe symptoms as a choking cough. 
  • What for a persistent cough in a child? A persistent cough in a child is very worrying. It is necessary to give plenty of fluids. Water, herbal teas or broth moisten the throat and can relieve a persistent cough. You also need to turn on the humidifier in the room where the child is, so that he or she inhales steam. For children over 1 year old, a teaspoon of honey before bedtime can help. Remember not to give honey to children under 1 year old. Why. Because of the risk of Clostridium botulinum, the bacterium responsible for producing botulinum toxin, which causes childhood botulism. Adults and older children have a developed bacterial flora in the digestive tract that inhibits the growth of this dangerous bacteria. Infants under one year of age do not yet have a fully developed intestinal flora and are therefore at high risk of this type of event. What else for a child's persistent cough will help? Marshmallow root, in the form of a syrup, moistens the mucous membranes of the throat and will ease a cough. Peppermint, which contains menthol, will make it easier to catch your breath. What will help a stubborn cough in a child? Fruit teas, raspberry teas, juices that can be diluted with water. For smaller children, warm water is recommended. Alternatively, warm broth or milk with honey, as both liquids help to expectorate secretions. Honey is only recommended for children over 1 year of age. Sage has antiseptic properties and can be used as a throat gargle. If the cough persists, is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, and breathing difficulties or if you have any doubts about your child's health, do not wait, but consult your doctor as soon as possible. In the case of a cough occurring in combination with bacterial infections, allergies, asthma or more serious health conditions, the doctor may recommend specialised treatment.

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What to do when our child coughs?

A cough is the body's natural defence reflex that helps to free the airways from mucus or foreign bodies. However, in a child, it can signify various illnesses. It is therefore important for parents to know what to give their child for a cough and how to respond correctly. 

The most important thing is to assess the situation correctly. Try to answer the questions: 

  • How long has your child been coughing?
  • What does this cough sound like?
  • Is it dry, wet, barking?
  • Is it accompanied by other symptoms fever, runny nose, sleeping problems, or shortness of breath? 

To begin with, the child needs to be given plenty of fluids. The warm liquid will soothe the irritation in the throat. If the child does not want to drink, give a few teaspoons of warm drink every now and then. Good ventilation of the room is important for hygiene. Make sure there is fresh air in the baby's room. You can also turn on a humidifier to help relieve a dry cough. Don't smoke! Cigarette smoke irritates the delicate nasal mucosa, and irritation can cause coughing attacks. Also, try to reassure your child and cuddle. Crying and anxiety aggravate coughing in toddlers. The semi-recumbent position helps, especially at night. Home remedies, i.e. saline inhalations or hot steamers with a few drops of eucalyptus oil (for older children) will help. If the cough lasts longer than a week, is varied, is accompanied by a high fever, shortness of breath, swelling of the lips or skin, consult your paediatrician as soon as possible, because a child's cough should always be consulted by a doctor. There are non-prescription medicines available on the market that can be given, but before giving anything to your child, check the expiry date, carefully read the accompanying leaflet and, if you are not sure, consult your pharmacist, especially if your child is already taking other medicines. Under no circumstances give your child an adult medicine. Take care of hygiene. Frequent hand washing helps to prevent further infections. Change your child's pyjamas as soon as he or she sweats. Wash the bedding of the whole family and boil it, and all the cloths in the kitchen too, to reduce the possibility of spreading germs.

Types of cough in children 

Coughing is a defence mechanism of the body to remove foreign bodies from the child's body, pathogens or secretions from the upper respiratory tract. In children, several types of cough can be distinguished, which differ, in terms of sound and characteristic symptoms. 

●      Dry cough. This is a cough without secretion, of a rough and irritating nature. It can occur with irritation, allergies, at the onset of a viral illness, irritation of the upper respiratory tract and in various upper respiratory tract diseases.   

●      Wet cough. Accompanied by secretions, or phlegm. Typical of bacterial symptoms, bronchial or lower respiratory tract diseases. 

●      Barking cough, or laryngeal cough. This is a deep, dry cough resembling the barking of a dog. It is typical of laryngitis, which is the most common viral infection in children.

●      Suffocating cough. Causes difficulty breathing or dyspnoea. Can be a symptom of asthma, allergies, bronchitis or even the presence of foreign bodies in the airways of children.

●      Nocturnal cough. Occurs mainly at night, which may be a symptom of asthma, gastro-oesophageal reflux or other infections.

●      Chronic cough. Lasts longer than 3 weeks and may be due to the presence of asthma, allergies, chronic airway inflammation or gastro-oesophageal reflux.

●      Choking cough. Sudden attacks of choking cough. Typical of diseases such as whooping cough or viral infections. This is a condition that requires immediate medical intervention

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Child's cough at night

Such coughing is a cause of concern for parents and a cause of discomfort and sleep disturbance for the child. Coughing at night can cause respiratory infections. 

What will help a child's dry cough at night?

  • Turning on a humidifier in your child's room can help relieve a dry cough by moistening the mucous membranes and nose. Remember to clean the humidifier regularly to prevent viruses and mould.
  • Drinking plenty of water, herbal teas or warm drinks will hydrate the mucous membranes and relieve the cough.
  • Syrup made from pine shoots will relieve a cough by diluting the mucus in the airways. 
  • Thyme infusions will relieve coughs by relaxing bronchial muscles and stimulating expectoration.
  • Liquorice root has expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. It will be helpful in relieving a stifling cough.
  • If you smoke cigarettes at home, take care that the smoke does not reach your baby. Cigarette smoke irritates the throat and bronchi, exacerbating the cough.
  • Putting extra pillows under your child's back can help to reduce coughing, as it will help nasal discharge to flow more easily.

What will help a choking cough in a child at night?

  • A humidifier in the baby's room or inhaling steam in a warm shower can help to thin the mucus and relieve the cough.
  • Drinking warm liquids can help with a choking cough.
  • As well as avoiding irritants such as tobacco smoke.
  • Raising the head, by putting an extra pillow under the back. For freer breathing.
  • Expectorant cough syrups can be helpful.
  • Syrup made from young pine shoots, an infusion of thyme or liquorice can also help. 

If the cough is severe, chronic or there are other symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

A persistent cough in a child 

If your child suffers from a persistent cough that does not go away after a few days or is accompanied by other symptoms such as:

  • fever
  • respiratory problems,
  • cyanosis,
  • pain in the digestive tract,
  • hoarseness

Don't delay, just go to the doctor with your child! Many factors can trigger a cough, including allergies or asthma, and diagnosis is key so that the right treatment can be given and the little one is no longer in discomfort. It is not always easy to determine the cause of a child's cough, so it is best to consult a paediatrician. The doctor will carry out an examination, make a diagnosis and suggest what steps should be taken to relieve your child. Remember that your child's health is the most important thing. In the case of a persistent cough, do not delay visiting the doctor. If you do not have access to inpatient care, an e-visit can be a good option. An online paediatrician is quick and just as effective as a visit to a stationary surgery. An additional advantage is that you don't have to stand in tiresome queues at the clinic. If you have a persistent cough in your child, book an e-visit with your paediatrician

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