Cholesterol raises what many people find pleasurable, but which in excess is unhealthy. What raises cholesterol?
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What is normal cholesterol? Total cholesterol in a healthy person should not exceed 200 mg/dl. Good HDL cholesterol is recommended to be above 40 mg/dl (above 46 mg/dl for women), while the LDL fraction should not exceed 115 mg/dl. Triglycerides (below 150) mg/dl (1.7 mmol/L) are normal. These are the values considered by doctors to be optimal. Normal cholesterol levels may vary depending on individual needs and risk of cardiovascular disease. It is therefore best to consult your doctor for personalised guidelines. Consuming fibre, healthy fats, found in nuts, olive oil or fish, and maintaining a healthy body weight can help control cholesterol levels.
High cholesterol is one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke. What can cause high cholesterol levels?
Does coffee raise cholesterol? Coffee and its effect on cholesterol levels is a topic that is still being studied. Unfiltered coffee, i.e. coffee brewed in a café or espresso, contains substances from the diterpene group (caffestol and caffeoyl), which can raise bad cholesterol levels. Filtered coffee does not, as the filter retains these substances. People who consume large quantities of coffee are at risk of raising cholesterol levels, especially if they choose unfiltered coffee. The effect of coffee on cholesterol may vary depending on individual body characteristics, including the body's sensitivity to caffeine.
Coffee accompaniments, such as cream or syrups, also raise cholesterol levels, due to their high sugar and fat content. What if your coffee comes with milk, sugar, or chocolate? Adding sugar to coffee increases its calorie content and can lead to weight gain, which is a risk factor. If you use milk or cream, you are adding saturated fats to your coffee, which are known to raise bad cholesterol. Using skimmed or plant-based milk is healthier. Chocolate, especially milk chocolate, contains sugars and fats that can raise cholesterol levels. Bitter chocolate with a high cocoa content is healthier, but also contains calories and fat. Coffee creamer is high in saturated fat, which raises bad LDL. If you add cream to your coffee, you increase the calorie content of the drink and your intake of saturated fat. Coffee syrups are highly processed and contain high amounts of sugar and calories. Excessive sugar consumption is associated with weight gain, which in turn is a risk factor for increased cholesterol levels. An occasional coffee with additives is unlikely to affect cholesterol levels, but regular consumption has a cumulative effect.
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Alcohol has a complex effect on cholesterol and its various fractions. Moderate alcohol consumption, defined as one serving of alcohol for women and two for men per day, can slightly raise levels of good HDL cholesterol. This protects against coronary heart disease. Excessive and systematic alcohol consumption raises bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, which in turn is bad for the cardiovascular system. Alcohol is also a source of empty calories, leading to weight gain, and overweight and obesity are factors that increase cholesterol. Excessive alcohol consumption is associated with many health problems, including liver disease, hypertension and heart disease.
Beer and other alcoholic beverages can affect blood cholesterol levels, but the effect is complex and depends on many factors, such as the amount and regularity of consumption, genetics and lifestyle. Moderate beer consumption is associated with slightly higher levels of good cholesterol. However, these benefits do not outweigh the risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption. Beer consumption can increase levels of bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, which can lead to heart disease. Beer is a source of empty calories, which can contribute to gaining extra weight, which in turn is very detrimental to cholesterol levels. It is worth considering the ingredients in beer, such as hops and yeast. Hops contain chemical compounds, including alpha and beta acid, which have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Some studies suggest that it may have a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels, but evidence for this is lacking. Yeast is a rich source of various vitamins and minerals, but also a source of purines, which can affect uric acid levels. Their effects on cholesterol require further research. Beer also contains sugars and alcohol, which can affect cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Beer is a mixture of different ingredients, its overall effect on cholesterol levels depends on many factors, most importantly the amount of beer consumed.
Other drinks can also raise cholesterol levels due to the fact that they are high in saturated fat, sugars and calories. What are some of these drinks? Full-fat dairy drinks, such as milkshakes and ice cream shakes. Cream shakes, such as Pina Colada, contain coconut cream or other fatty ingredients. Energy drinks contain excessive amounts of sugar and chemical additives that, when consumed regularly, raise cholesterol levels. Carbonated drinks are high in sugar and fructose, which are bad for triglyceride levels.
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Do eggs raise cholesterol? Currently, most studies indicate that the cholesterol in eggs has a much smaller effect on blood cholesterol levels than previously estimated. For most people, the consumption of cholesterol from eggs does not result in an increase in blood levels. Eggs are a rich source of many other nutrients, including protein, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for heart health. Hypersensitive people may react by increasing their cholesterol levels to egg consumption. What raises cholesterol? What other foods?
Avoiding these foods can help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Physical activity, a balanced diet rich in fibre, fruit and vegetables, and avoiding excessive intake of saturated and trans fats have a huge impact on good cholesterol levels. You also need to check your medical family history and whether there are autoimmune diseases, such as thyroid disease, as these also raise cholesterol levels. Cholesterol, which is described by doctors as a silent killer because it shows no immediate symptoms, leaving many people unaware of the potential risks. An individual approach and close cooperation with the doctor is the key to maintaining the patient's cardiovascular health and living longer. High cholesterol is one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, stroke or heart attack. In cholesterol management, regular laboratory tests are the most important. These include lipid tests that measure different types of cholesterol such as LDL, HDL, triglycerides, and total cholesterol. People over the age of 20 should test lipid levels once every five years, although more frequent testing may be recommended for those with existing health problems or a family history of cardiovascular disease. In addition to testing, lifestyle and dietary changes are also needed. However, even the healthiest lifestyle is not always enough and, in such cases, doctors may recommend drug treatments such as statins.
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