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200 doctors of more than 40 specialties
Visits Monday to Sunday
from 7.00 - 23.00 (including holidays and weekends)
High appointment availability
Visits from 89 PLN
Standard Visits - Adults Standard Visits - Children
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Read: NIL guidelines for the provision of telemedicine services
Consultations with Med24 specialists gives you the opportunity to consult your symptoms and get a treatment plan through online contact. Using a video call, phone call or chat, you describe your symptoms and the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis or refer for further tests.
Many specialists accepting inpatient appointments do not perform physical examinations during the first appointment, and the first visit consists only of a medical history. In addition, you often have to wait several weeks or even months for an inpatient appointment. That's why it's worth using Med24 e-visit, which is much cheaper and where internists and pediatricians are available 24/7, and appointments to specialists are short, often the same day or within the next few days.
Visit can take place on weekends and holidays, as well as during your vacation or business trip. We remain at your disposal every day. offers more than 40 medical specialties. You will get help from many doctors in every field. Regardless of the problem you are facing, you are sure to find a doctor who can give you advice, make a diagnosis or refer you for appropriate tests. In addition, come to us if you need an L4 or prescription renewal, for example.
Cardiologists - specialists in cardiovascular diseases. Get their help with blood pressure problems, heart disease and hypertension.
Dermatologists - are doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of skin, hair and nail diseases.
Endocrinologists - specialists in diseases of the endocrine system. Adults often seek their help for problems with diabetes, thyroid disease and endocrine disorders.
Orthopedists - specialists in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. They will advise you on the steps to take when you are plagued by back problems or develop joint diseases and fractures. Orthopedic consultation can also take place on the basis of test results sent to the doctor, or their description.
Gynecologists - are specialists who deal with the health of the female genital organs, such as the uterus, ovaries and vagina. A gynecologist conducts preventive examinations and treats diseases and ailments related to a woman's genital organs, including pregnancy and childbirth.
Full patients can also benefit from the services of an experienced psychologist for adults and a psychiatrist.
For dental problems, a dentist will be waiting for you, who additionally provides panoramic photo analysis.
You can also have a consultation with travel medicine specialists. Take advantage of their services before traveling to a tropical place and protect yourself from life-threatening and life-threatening tropical diseases. The doctor will explain what vaccinations are mandatory before you leave, as well as inform you of all the health risks that exist in the country. The specialist will advise patients on how to avoid diseases, what medicines to take with them and what safety measures to take to avoid unpleasant situations. The travel medicine doctor is authorized to issue vaccination qualifications to patients.
The main goal of a travel medicine doctor is to ensure the safety and health of travelers. To achieve this, the specialist interviews the patient to learn about his or her travel plans, destination and medical history. Based on this conversation, the doctor prescribes appropriate vaccinations and recommends preventive measures to minimize the risk of illness.
The travel medicine doctor also helps patients who have already fallen ill while traveling. The specialist diagnoses and treats tropical diseases, such as malaria or dengue fever, as well as other diseases that may arise during travel, such as skin diseases or urinary tract infections. Of course, teleportation is not sufficient in this case and you should go to the doctor in person, however, the moment you suspect an illness, it is worth contacting our specialist.
All Med24 specialist physicians, after taking a detailed history and reviewing test results, can issue an online prescription or an online discharge after a consultation. It is also possible to obtain a referral for additional specialized tests.
The ability to obtain an online L4 and online prescription during an online consultation are solutions that save time and make it easier for patients to access the documents they need to claim sickness benefits or buy drugs at the pharmacy.
Childhood is a period of intense development and transition, which is why children are more susceptible to various types of diseases than adults. Many childhood diseases are the result of infections, which are transmitted by the droplet route or through direct contact with infected people or objects. Other childhood diseases are the result of genetic or environmental risk factors.
One of the most common childhood diseases is chicken pox. This disease causes fever, rash and itchy skin. Chickenpox is transmitted by the droplet route and is especially dangerous for young children who have not yet been vaccinated.
Another common illness is rubella. Rubella is transmitted by the droplet route and causes fever, fatigue and a rash. The disease is especially dangerous for pregnant women because it can cause serious health problems in the fetus.
Flu is another common childhood illness. Influenza is transmitted by the droplet route and causes fever, chills, muscle aches and coughing. Influenza is especially dangerous for children with chronic diseases such as asthma or diabetes.
Some childhood diseases are also the result of genetic risk factors. An example of such a disease is phenylketonuria (PKU), which is caused by a lack of the enzyme responsible for breaking down the amino acid phenylalanine.
Middle ear infection is caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Symptoms include ear pain, difficulty hearing, and fever.
Children's specialists, also known as pediatricians, are doctors who specialize in caring for the health of children and adolescents. They are properly trained and certified to provide the highest level of medical care for children of all ages, from newborns to teenagers.
Pediatricians diagnose and treat diseases in children, such as infections, allergies, infectious diseases, digestive problems, heart problems or developmental problems. They also take preventive measures, such as vaccinations and screenings, to prevent children from developing diseases.
Pediatricians also help parents with their children's care, advising them on nutrition, sleep, hygiene and child development. They are an important source of support for parents, as they help them solve problems that may arise during a child's growth and development.
In addition to pediatricians, other specialists take care of children's health: children's allergist, children's diabetologist, children's dietician, children's ENT, children's psychologist, adolescent psychologist, children's pulmonologist, adolescent addiction therapist.
A child psychologist is a specialist who diagnoses and treats emotional, behavioral and developmental problems in children and adolescents. In the work of a child psychologist, it is important to understand the specific needs and experiences of children, as well as to be able to work with parents and teachers.
A child psychologist can work in schools, health clinics, child welfare centers, as well as in private practice. He diagnoses and treats a variety of problems, such as emotional disorders, learning difficulties, peer relationship difficulties, behavioral difficulties, as well as various types of developmental disorders. He can carry out individual or group therapy, which consists of talks, exercises and games, as well as working with parents and teachers.
For Med24, psychologists help children and adolescents, as well as provide meetings with parents who, without the presence of the child, want to discuss their difficulties and observed worrying symptoms. Teleportation with a therapist can benefit adolescents struggling with various types of addictions.
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Doctors are accepted throughout the week. Monday through Sunday from7:00 am - 11:00 pm
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After filling in the data necessary for the doctor to carry out the consultation, the doctor will contact you at the time indicated by you.